Continuing Eligibility for the SD Opportunity Scholarship FAQ

Articles (7)

Maintaining Eligibility Requirements

What will I have to do to maintain my eligibility once I get the scholarship?


If I applied and received the SD Opportunity Scholarship last year, do I need to complete any paperwork or form to receive the scholarship the next year?

GPA Below Minimum

I became temporarily ineligible after falling below the 3.0 GPA requirement.  If I am able to raise my cumulative GPA above 3.0 next semester would I qualify to receive the full amount during my senior year?

Minimum Credits

What are the minimum number of credits I need to take each semester to keep my SD Opportunity Scholarship?

Retaking AP Coursework

I was awarded college credit through the AP testing process during high school and have chosen to take the corresponding course in college. How will this affect my continuing scholarship eligibility?


Will I be able to keep my scholarship if I transfer to another school?

Graduating College Early

If a student graduates in 3 years, how would the SD Opportunity Scholarship funding be paid out to the student?