Log into your dashboard.
Select the User icon to expand the drop-down selections. Click on the Update Profile option. Proceed to the desired update option(s) displayed in the below sections. Options include the updating of User Name, First and Last Name, E-mail Address, Cell Phone Number, and Security Question.

Update User Name
1. To update the user name associated with your account, select the button displaying your user name

2. Enter your desired new user name and confirm the update by entering your password that you log into your account with.
3. Once you have made the necessary change, select the Update User Name button to save the change.

Update Name
1. To update the name associated with your profile, select the button displaying your name. The name that is displayed in this button, has to match the name you type for your e-Signature on all applications.

2. Enter your desired First Name and Last Name and confirm the update by entering your password that you log into your account with.
3. Once you have made the necessary change, select the Update Name button to save the change.

Update Email
1. To update the email associated with your account, select the button displaying your e-mail address. The e-mail that is displayed in this button, is the e-mail address used to log into your dashboard/account.

2. Enter your desired new e-mail address and confirm the update by entering the password that you log into your account with. This will be the email that you enter to log into your dashboard/account with going forward.
3. Once you have made the necessary change, select the Update Email button to save the change.

Update Cell Phone
1. To update your cell phone number associated with your account, select the button displaying your cell phone number. The cell phone number can be used if you change your preferences within your profile to receive text message notifications rather than the default preference of e-mail notification.

2. Enter your desired new phone number and confirm the update by entering the password that you log into your account with.
3. Once you have made the necessary change, select the Update Phone Number button to save the change.

Update Security Question
1. To update the secret question associated with your account, select the button displaying your secret question. The secret question will be asked each time you log into your account and you will be required to enter the answer associated with your secret question.

2. Select the desired new secret question and corresponding answer, then confirm the update by entering the password that you log into your account with.
3. Once you have made the necessary change, select the Update Secret Question button to save the change.