
Categories (6)

South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship

To learn more about South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship, several articles have been generated to best help all stakeholders navigate the information.

Dakota Corps Scholarship

To learn more about Dakota Corps Scholarship, several articles have been generated to best help all stakeholders navigate the information.

Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship

This website was developed to assist stakeholders in navigating the Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship.

System Scholarships

​Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship
Annis Irene Fowler/Kaden Scholarship
​Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship

Other Scholarships / Programs

Jump Start Scholarship
Needs Based Scholarship
Regents' Scholar Diplomas

Campus Instruction Documents

This category of documents is available to both Regental institutions and Non-Regental institutions. It is viewable to the public.

Articles (1)