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South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship
What coursework must I take to be eligible for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
What coursework must I take to be eligible for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Approved SD Opportunity Scholarship Coursework
A list of approved High School and Dual Credit coursework for the SD Opportunity Scholarship can be found at the below link. Required coursework must be completed
with a grade of C or above.
Curriculum Requirements
Curriculum Requirements
To meet the curriculum requirements of the SD Opportunity Scholarship (
option 1
), all students must meet the below curriculum with a “C" or higher. Class of 2027 and beyond must meet individual content subcatagories of the below content areas to qualify for the scholarship.
English / Language Arts - 4 units
Writing - 1.5 units
Literature - 1.0 unit
American Literature - 0.5 unit
Speech / Debate - 0.5 unit
Language Arts Elective - 0.5 unit
Social Studies - 3 units
U.S. History - 1.0 unit
U.S. Government - 0.5 unit
World History - 0.5 unit
Geography - 0.5 unit
Social Studies Elective - 0.5 unit
Mathematics - 4 units
Algebra I - 1.0 unit
Geometry - 1.0 unit
Algebra II - 1.0 unit
Advanced Math - 1.0 unit
(Algebra I may be offered at the 8th grade level, but must be included on the student's transcript)
Science - 4 units
Biology - 1.0 unit
Chemistry or Physics - 1.0 unit
Physical Science - 1.0 unit
Science Elective - 1.0
(3 units must be laboratory science - with a lab included in the coursework once per week)
World Language or Career and Technical Education - 2 units
Can earn units in one category or a combination of the two (multiple world language units must be in the same language).
Other Coursework
Personal Finance or Economics - 0.5 unit
Health or Health Integration - 0.5 unit
Physical Education - 0.5 unit
Fine Arts - 1.0 unit
Students seeking to determine whether coursework at their particular school district will be counted toward units in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Fine Arts, or Modern/Classical Language are encouraged to review the list of approved coursework:
Curriculum Requirements
. Career and Technical Education courses that have been approved by the Department of Education can be used by students to meet the "Approved career and technical education course," units.
Career and Technical Education
Students seeking to determine whether coursework will be counted toward units in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Fine Arts, or Modern/Classical Language are encouraged to review the attached list of approved coursework. Career and Technical Education courses that have been approved by the Department of Education can be used by students to meet the "Approved career and technical education course" units.
SD Department of Education Approved CTE Programs
CTE for Core Content
South Dakota schools may offer students the opportunity to earn academic credit by completing approved career and technical education courses that address the pertinent standards within the curriculum. Approval to offer credit must be obtained through an application process with the Department of Education.
Additional information for the CTE for Core Content can be found in the following SD Opportunity Scholarship FAQ:
CTE for Core Content
Related Frequently Asked Questions
If I choose to complete two units of modern or classical language to meet the curriculum requirements of the scholarship, does that have to be two years of the same language?
Can I use a weighted GPA to qualify for the SD Opportunity Scholarship? If my school only has a weighted GPA on my transcript, how is my application handled?
I received a grade below a C, does that disqualify me for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Does Journalism meet the curriculum requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
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ACT Requirement
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Administrative Rules for South Dakota (ARSD)
CTE for Core Content
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Curriculum Requirements
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Foreign Language
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GPA Requirements
Can I use a weighted GPA to qualify for the SD Opportunity Scholarship? If my school only has a weighted GPA on my transcript, how is my application handled?
Graduating College Early
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Regents' Scholar vs. SD Opportunity Scholarship
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Retaking AP Coursework
I was awarded college credit through the AP testing process during high school and have chosen to take the corresponding course in college. How will this affect my continuing scholarship eligibility?
South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL)
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The Initial Eligibility Rules for the SD Opportunity Scholarship
What do new awardees need to better understand the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
What is the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship?
What is the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship?
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Check out this article I found in the BOR Client Portal knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://tdx.sdbor.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=325">https://tdx.sdbor.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=325</a><br /><br />What coursework must I take to be eligible for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?<br /><br />Approved Coursework for SD Opportunity Scholarship - High School Coursework and Dual Credit