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South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship
SDOS Frequently Asked Questions
Does Journalism count as a credit for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Journalism credit and the Opportunity Scholarship
(The South Dakota Department of Education released the following News Alert on August 27, 2027)
Last school year, a small number of South Dakota graduating seniors may have experienced an unexpected issue with the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship. Specifically, because their high school journalism course was not counted as an English-Language Arts (ELA) credit, they became ineligible for the scholarship. Prior to 2024, students were able to use journalism as an ELA credit which, along with other credits, qualified them for the scholarship.
It is in no one’s interest—not the students, not the Board of Regents (BOR), not the Department of Education (DOE), not K-12 school districts—to have students ineligible for the Opportunity Scholarship because journalism is not counted as an ELA credit, even though it involves a great deal of student writing, editing, and research. Thus, DOE will now move the journalism course (Journalism 11101) out of Other and into ELA-Elective, as part of our Common Course Code process. This will allow students who take Journalism 11101 to attain an Advanced Honors Endorsement for their diploma, which is required to be considered for eligibility for the Opportunity Scholarship.
This will eliminate the need for school districts to request waivers for the course. As a result, there is no need for you to request an administrative rule waiver now or going forward.
Should you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact us. For questions about waivers, contact
Kathy Reidy
and for questions about the change related to Common Course Code, contact
Vera Van Winkle
. For questions about the SD Opportunity Scholarship, contact the Board of Regents office at 605-773-3455 or email scholarships@sdbor.edu
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Check out this article I found in the BOR Client Portal knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://tdx.sdbor.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=309">https://tdx.sdbor.edu/TDClient/33/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=309</a><br /><br />Journalism<br /><br />Does Journalism meet the curriculum requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?