Is an ACT of 24 required to receive funding for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Can I use an ACT Super Score to qualify for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Does my Career and Technical Education course meet a science or math requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Does my course meet the SD Opportunity Scholarship Curriculum Requirements?
If I choose to complete two units of modern or classical language to meet the curriculum requirements of the scholarship, does that have to be two years of the same language or can I take Spanish I and French I, for example?
Can I use a weighted GPA to qualify for the SD Opportunity Scholarship? If my school only has a weighted GPA on my transcript, how is my application handled?
If a student graduates in 3 years, how would the SD Opportunity Scholarship funding be paid out to the student?
Does Journalism meet the curriculum requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
What is the difference between a Regents' Scholar Diploma and the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
I was awarded college credit through the AP testing process during high school and have chosen to take the corresponding course in college. How will this affect my continuing scholarship eligibility?
The Initial Eligibility Rules for the SD Opportunity Scholarship
What is the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship?