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Dakota Corps Scholarship
Dakota Corps Scholarship: Accelerated Program Policy
Dakota Corps Scholarship: Accelerated Program Policy
Accelerated Program
Recipients at a traditional two semester institution generally receive their funding at the start of each semester. However, students who are enrolled in a structured accelerated degree program may receive their funds under an accelerated schedule. To be considered for accelerated receipt of funds, the recipient must provide the Dakota Corps Scholarship Program with a statement from the institution:
Certifying that the recipient is enrolled in a structured accelerated degree program.
Showing the dates of the enrollment periods, number of credit hours to be pursued during each enrollment period, and the cost of tuition and generally applicable fees for each enrollment period.
Enrollment Academic Year
Prior to the start of each enrollment period, a Dakota Corps Scholarship representative will contact the applicable school to verify continued eligibility and cost of tuition and fees.
The award amount will be limited according to the following:
The amount disbursed will be the lesser of the combined total amount charged for tuition and generally applicable fees for the accelerated program, or the amount established by the Dakota Corps Scholarship program for tuition and fees for standard enrollment schedules.
The total amount disbursed for tuition over the entire program will be based on the lesser of 120 credit hours, or the actual number of hours taken by the recipient.
Contact Information
Recipients who wish to be considered for accelerated enrollment disbursement should contact a Scholarship representative at
Contact Us Form
Approval will be granted based on the recipient meeting the eligibility criteria outlined above and the availability of funds to meet the accelerated pay-out schedule.
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Use this service if you do not meet the continuing eligibility requirement for the Dakota Corps Scholarship (DCS) and are required to convert your scholarship to a loan for repayment.
Dakota Corps Scholarship - Status/Verification Form
Use this form to initiate the employment verification and student enrollment status.
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