CTE for Core Content

Does my Career and Technical Education course meet requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?


CTE for Content Credit - South Dakota schools may offer students the opportunity to earn academic credit by completing approved career and technical education courses that address the pertinent standards within the curriculum. Approval to offer credit must be obtained through an application process with the Department of Education. 

Click the Approved CTE for Core Content List link on that page for a full list of courses that have been approved for core content across the state.   If the course appears on the DOE's list of approved for core content for a particular district AND is listed on the SDOS Approved Coursework Document (last page), then the course can meet either the CTE requirement for that particular student or the core subject area it is listed under. 

Example:    Principles of Engineering, because it has been approved by the DOE to meet the Science Requirement for Bishop O'Gorman High School and is on the SDOS Approved Coursework document, can meet the Science Elective requirement for the SD Opportunity Scholarship. 


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