Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway Application

South Dakota Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway

Earn your teaching certificate while on the job in South Dakota!

With funding available through the Department of Labor and Revenue, South Dakota is offering a 3rd cohort for the South Dakota Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway (SD TAP) to provide paraprofessionals employed in an accredited school system the opportunity to earn a teaching certificate, assuming a full course load each term. Through completion of this program, participants will earn a bachelor's degree in elementary education, special education, or secondary education while continuing to work as a paraprofessional in their school and receiving support from experienced mentors.

The South Dakota Department of Education is in partnership with the South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation, Dakota State University (elementary and special education), Northern State University (secondary education), the South Dakota Board of Regents, and local school districts. This effort is aimed at addressing teacher shortage challenges across the state.

The official web pages for information regarding the Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway can be accessed on the Our Dakota Dreams webpage and SD DOE's Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway webpage.



All classified/support staff may apply for the program, but selected participants must be employed by an accredited school as a paraprofessional (also known as an “aide”, “educational assistant”, or “teacher’s aide”) during the apprenticeship until the beginning of student teaching. Participants will continue to be compensated at rates determined by the district. A paraprofessional will be considered a full-time school employee with a minimum of 950 hours. This program’s 3rd cohort will accommodate up to 50 participants.

Note: Selected participants will be required to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Eligibility for SD TAP is not based on the FAFSA award, but any grants an individual would be eligible for may be applied toward educational costs.



Classes will be held in an online format or in the evenings, on weekends, and during the summer. Courses will be offered online or Hy-flex. A Hybrid-Flexible (Hy-Flex) course design enables flexible participation. Students may choose to attend face-to-face synchronous class sessions in-person, via Zoom, or they can complete the course learning activities online asynchronously. Collaborative opportunities will be offered via Zoom. Participants will need computer and Internet access to complete course requirements. The expected time to complete is two-three years, assuming a full course load each term.



Participant Support

Participants will receive 1:1 mentoring provided by a local mentor in the school district. In addition, university-assigned secondary mentors are also provided.



Participants will be responsible for up to $1,000 per year to assist with tuition, as well as the cost of required course content such as books, and state-designated assessments, such as the Praxis test.


Application Process

An application will be made available in March 2025. The application period closes on April 1, 2025 at 5 pm CT. Qualified applicants will be asked to provide background information, post secondary credits, and character and fitness questions (information needed when applying for a teaching certificate). District administration will complete their recommendations on a separate form provided to them at the close of the application period. Interested paraprofessionals will need to visit with their administrator, as local buy-in is necessary for a successful experience.


School District Responsibilities

The district will be asked to provide information to interested employees. For potential, qualified candidates, the district must complete the Statement of Assurance with the recommendation form that will be sent out after the application period has closed. If an applicant is selected, the district will be responsible for the following: - Provide financial support of $1,000 per year while the participant is enrolled in the program. This financial obligation will help support the local primary mentor - Provide a local mentor who is a certified teacher - Ensure that the apprentice will continue to serve as a paraprofessional paid by the district until the applicant’s move to student teaching status (During student teaching, the applicant will no longer serve as a paraprofessional but will continue to be paid at a district-determined rate throughout their student teaching period.) - Provide a laptop or similar technology (if needed) to the apprentice The district is not obligated to hire the apprentice as a certified teacher.



Interested paraprofessionals with additional questions should talk to their principal or superintendent. School administrators with additional questions should email Dr. Kathryn Blaha at DOEApprenticeship@state.sd.us.