Does my Career and Technical Education course meet a science or math requirements for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Does my course meet the SD Opportunity Scholarship Curriculum Requirements?
In what circumstances am I able to request an exemption to the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
I became temporarily ineligible after falling below the 3.0 GPA requirement. If I am able to raise my cumulative GPA above 3.0 next semester would I qualify to receive the full amount during my senior year?
I received a grade below a C, does that disqualify me from the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
What will I have to do to maintain my eligibility once I get the scholarship?
What are the minimum number of credits I need to take each semester to keep my SD Opportunity Scholarship?
If I applied and received the SD Opportunity Scholarship last year, do I need to complete any paperwork or form to receive the scholarship the next year?
The Initial Eligibility Rules for the SD Opportunity Scholarship
Approved Coursework for SD Opportunity Scholarship - High School Coursework and Dual Credit
What is the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship?