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System Scholarships
What is the Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship Program?
What is the Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship Program?
In 1997, the Marlin R. Scarborough Scholarship program was established.
Marlin R. Scarborough was president of the South Dakota Board of Regents at the time of his death on June 22, 1987. He was a 1961 graduate of South Dakota State University in the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, majoring in Animal Science.
Mr. Scarborough was born August 9, 1939, in Pierre. He was graduated from Pierre High School and from South Dakota State University. At South Dakota State, Marlin was an active member of the SDSU Rifle Team and completed the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program of the U.S. Army in which he received his officer's commission.
Following his college graduation, he served in the U.S. Army in the marksmanship training unit. On July 17, 1965, he was married to Rosemary Heer of Doland, a 1964 graduate of South Dakota State University. Marlin and Rosemary operated a ranch north of Hayes and became parents of three children, Michelle, Marc, and Ryan.
Marlin was appointed to the State Board of Regents in 1984 and was elected President of the Board in 1987. Kay Jorgenson, President of the Board of Regents, praised him for "his vision and common sense approach toward higher education.''
He was also a member of a number of local, state and national organizations including the Kirley Community Hall, the Four Comers Fire Department, the Kirley Rifle Club, the Hayes .Drama Club, the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association, the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission prior to his service on the Regents, the National Rifle Association of which he was a director, the Shooting Sports Association, the Flying Farmers Association, the Superconducting Super Collider Commission, the Board of Directors of the American State Bank, the International Shooters Development Fund Board of Directors, the Hiram Lodge #123 of which he was a past master, the Yankton Consistory, the Naja Shrine, and a volunteer official of the 1984 Olympics. Marlin also was a member of two ROTC organizations, Scabbard and Blade and Officers' Mess, and a member of the Ag Club and Alpha Zeta, the honorary agriculture organization.
Eligibility for this scholarship includes:
Attend a public university in South Dakota (Regental University - BHSU, DSU, NSU, SDM, SDSU, USD),
3.5 cumulative GPA at time of application,
Junior standing at time of funding.
Scholarship Application and Deadline
To apply, students will log in to the
SD Board of Regents Scholarship Portal
Selection Process
The university will nominate one student for the Scarborough Scholarship. The nominations will be reviewed and scored by the Board of Regents System Scholarship Committee. One scholarship recipient (at $1,500) will be recommended to the SD Board of Regents for award approval in the spring.
Required Supporting Documents
To apply for the Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship, students must include the below information/items in their completed application:
Complete the Scarborough Scholarship Application Form, and
Complete an essay explaining your leadership and academic qualities, career plans, and educational interests.
Contact Information
BOR Scholarship Office:
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