What is Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship?

About the Scholarship

The Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship is a scholarship program funded by the state of South Dakota. It was established in 2013 by the legislature.  This scholarship was approved to encourage South Dakota's high school graduates to: 

1. Obtain their post secondary education in South Dakota,

2. Remain in the state upon completion of their education, and 

3. Contribute to the state of South Dakota and its citizens by working in a critical need teaching occupation. 


Scholarship Application and Deadline

The Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship application is reviewed annually by the Critical Teaching Needs Board. Following their review, the application is released on the SD Board of Regents Scholarship Portal for students to complete.  The opening date is typically in February with a deadline of March 31. 

To apply, students will log in to the SD Board of Regents Scholarship Portal

BOR-Students: If a student has taken Dual Credit Coursework through one of the Board of Regents Institution, they can use their BOR Campus credentials (Student ID & Password) to log in.  

Non-BOR Students: Students who have not taken Dual Credit Coursework through one of the Board of Regents Institutions and/or do not plan on attending a Board of Regents Institution will need to create a manual account.  


Eligibility for Award

  • Agree in writing to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical teaching need occupation for five years after graduating from a participating post secondary institution;

  • Agree, through a promissory note, that failure to abide by the employment requirement above will result in the scholarship being converted into an interest-bearing loan;

  • Attend a participating South Dakota post secondary institution as an undergraduate enrolled in the your final two years of post secondary education and be fully admitted in an elementary or secondary education program at the institution that is preparing you to work in a critical need teaching area; and

  • Be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.

  • Have a minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and an average of 2.8 GPA for all major coursework.


Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Award

The amount of the scholarship shall be determined by the Board and must be:

  • The maximum tuition and generally-applicable fees for 30 undergraduate credit hours at an institution of higher education under the control of the South Dakota Board of Regents for recipients, or

  • The same amount that is paid for a public university if the student is attending a private university. 

  • The amount of the scholarship shall be determined by calculating the student's remaining financial need, and may not exceed the tuition and generally applicable fees for thirty credit hours at a South Dakota public post-secondary institution.

Note: Not all eligible applicants will be selected for a scholarship. From the total pool of applicants, a limited number of recipients will be selected. Also, some South Dakota colleges may limit the number of scholarship recipients they accept, or not participate at all. All applicants will be notified following the Board's decision​.


The Critical Teaching Needs Commitment

Each recipient promises, in writing, to enter a critical need teaching occupation in South Dakota following completion of the program of study.  The number of years a recipient must work in a critical need teaching occupation to fulfill the entire obligation is five years after degree is completed.  

If the recipient does not complete his/her commitment, the scholarship converts to a low interest loan which must be repaid.


Critical Need Occupations

AY 2024 - 2025

  • Teaching K-12 Special Education

  • Teaching High School Math or Science

  • Teaching High School Career and Technical Education

  • Teaching Secondary Language Arts

  • Teaching Secondary World Language

  • Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Learners (ELL)

  • Teaching K-12 Vocal or Instrumental Music (Added January 2020)


Participating Colleges and Universities

Regental Universities


Private Universities



Black Hills State University


Augustana University



Dakota State University


Dakota Wesleyan University


Northern State University


Mount Marty College



South Dakota State University


University of Sioux Falls



University of South Dakota










*If a college or university is not listed, please contact scholarships@sdbor.edu to identify if others could be added.   Only universities and colleges that have an accredited education program(s) can participate.

Critical Teaching Need Scholarship Forms

Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship -- Repayment

Use this form if you do not meet the continuing eligibility requirement for the Dakota Corps Scholarship and are required to convert your scholarship to a loan for repayment.

Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship -- Status/Verification

Use this form to validate your status and employment verification.


For additional information not found, Contact Us.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Use this form if you do not meet the continuing eligibility requirement for the Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship (CTNS) and are required to convert your scholarship to a loan for repayment.
This is a service created to initiate the employment verification and status of the student.