Application Review Process

I applied for the SD Opportunity Scholarship, when will my application be reviewed?

Once a student has applied for the SD Opportunity Scholarship, their application, transcript, coursework, and ACT scores will be evaluated.   For students attending a Board of Regents School, this is done by staff at the Enrollment Services Center.  Students attending a private university or Technical College have their application and additional information reviewed by staff at their individual campus.    It is important that if you apply for the scholarship at one institution but end up enrolling at a different institution, you let BOR staff know by completing the below information. 


Additionally, because the scholarship does require a FINAL OFFICIAL HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT, this review process does not typically begin until approximately June 1st or after your final official transcript is received.   Because of the sheer number of applications that are submitted, this process does take a large portion of the summer – to ensure that your application is reviewed as quickly as possible, ensure:

  • your high school has sent your transcript to the appropriate institution – this should be done through a secure method. [please note: Email is not a secure method]

  • the university or college you plan on attending has the most up to date ACT scores.  [see FAQ regarding the ACT Requirement]


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