Scholarship Portal Log-In
Which log-in should I use for the Scholarship Portal?
There are two methods provided for students to log in to the SD Board of Regents Scholarship Portal.
Option 1 – BOR Students
If a student is A). currently enrolled in Board of Regents Coursework (Dual Credit, Rising Scholar, etc), B). has been applied at a Board of Regents institution (and accepted??)
they will have Board of Regents credentials that will allow them to log in. To log-in, students will use their Student ID and password.
By logging in with this method, it allows any student information applicable to the scholarship to be pulled directly into the application (GPA, ACT scores, High School Graduation date, etc). If a student is planning to attend a Board of Regents school, every effort should be made to log in using their Board of Regents credentials – provided deadlines are not missed, the preference would be to wait to apply until a student has their BOR Credentials.
Option 2 – Non-BOR Students
Students not enrolled at a Board of Regents Institution will need to create a manual account with Scholarship Manager. First time users will be prompted to create an account then verify their email address. When returning to the site in the future, users will continue to use the Non-BOR School button to log in to their account.
Once a scholarship award is made with the campus, the email address associated with their account may and user name may be changed to match their email and student ID on campus, but their account will remain a manual account (i.e. student data will not be pulled in from the campus).