Dakota Corps Scholarship Funding Amount

The Dakota Corps Scholarship amount is based on tuition and generally applicable fees* for 16 credits each semester at the 6 public universities.   The total scholarship amount is applied to the student's account and can be combined with other scholarships or financial aid. If the student has enough other funding, the money can be applied to other fees and expenses.  Any extra may be refunded to the student (and used to cover other education expenses) or the student may request reduced funding to reduce potential loan amount should the student default on the requirements of the scholarship. 

The scholarship amount is not based on each individual student's course load, instead the same total funding amount determined by the above information is paid out to each recipient.  


Graduate Course Work

If a student, in their final year or two of their undergraduate program, decide to enroll in additional Graduate or Masters degree coursework - this is allowable.  The funding amount will not be calculated with reference to the graduate tuition costs, but a student can apply the standard scholarship amount to the cost of this coursework and other expenses. 




*Generally applicable fees are those fees that are assessed to all the general population including university support fees, activity fees and facility fees but does not include equipment fees, discipline fees, support fees, housing or meals. 
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