Enroll Out-Of-State and Return to SD
Can I attend school in another state for a period and return to South Dakota and still qualify for the SD Opportunity Scholarship?
Yes, under some circumstances. Beginning on July 1, 2006, the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship program extended scholarship eligibility to certain South Dakota students who attend college or a technical school out of state and then return to South Dakota to attend school. Such students may be eligible for a partial scholarship award. This applies only to students who first attend full time at regionally accredited institution out of state and then return to South Dakota to attend school within two years after their high school graduation date (or two years following release from active military service).
To be eligible upon returning, students must complete the Transfer/Returning student application prior to the appropriate deadline and meet initial and continuing eligibility provisions (GPA and credit-hour load requirements) while they were enrolled out of state. If a student returns to South Dakota and applies for the Opportunity Scholarship, a partial award is made. Students forfeit any scholarship amount for the time spent out of state. In their fourth and final year of eligibility, the scholarship payment is also reduced by one-half (a $1,300/$1,500 award will be made, instead of a $2,600/$3,000).