BOR - SD Opportunity Scholarship - Incoming Students


BOR Campus Information and Instructions for Scholarship Manager


To allow campus staff to see the pertinent information and check the status of SD Opportunity Scholarships for their students, the settings are established so that all committee members do have the ability to evaluate and award.  However, this should not be done at the campus level and all EVALUATING AND AWARDING SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY ESC AND BOR STAFF ONLY!



To begin: Log-in to Scholarship Manager and click [MY COMMITTEES]


A list of the committees you have been assigned to will appear here.   This list may vary slightly as additional settings are updated.    To review your list of candidates for the SD Opportunity Scholarship at your campus, click the [ACTIONS] button for the SDOS – Campus committee then select [AWARD CANDIDATES]. 



The “SDOS – CAMPUS” committee will have the below two scholarships listed.  Click the “SDOS – 01 – CAMPUS” fund to get started.



When you open a committee it will open the Scholarship Description.  You will need to click the [CANDIDATES] tab at the top to get a list of applicants.  

(Please ignore the "Renewables" tab at this time)




Once you are in your committee, you will want to be sure you are able to see the evaluation information.   To turn this on, you will click [CANDIDATE ACTIONS] and click [SHOW CHAIRPERSON DATA]. 




With the Chairperson Data showing, you will be able to see the evaluation criteria highlighted in yellow below.   The main two columns you will want to pay attention to are the [SDOS - 01 - Eligible] and [Your Comments On this...].   These two fields will show the status of the student's application.  

Fields highlighted in Green with a title beginning in B.XXX are fields that are populated from the data in banner.  Any other fields are student responses from the application. You can add or remove fields by clicking [CANDIDATE ACTIONS] then selecting [SELECT DISPLAY PREFERENCES].  Any information in the particular scholarship's decision maker view can be turned on or off.  

In the Candidate list, you will be able to see the status of the student’s application.    In the SDOS -01-Eligible field, you will see one of the following.

  • “no data” - Student has not been reviewed

  • “1” - Student has been evaluated by ESC/BOR and deemed ELIGIBLE.

    • Once the student has been deemed eligible, the BOR staff will AWARD these students in the campus’s SDOS Committee.    This will show under the “Current Awards” column in the candidate list.   Other scholarship funding may show up here as well, you can hover over the funding amount to see which BOR Scholarships the student has been awarded.

    • Once the student has been BOTH evaluated with a score of 1 AND a SD Opportunity Scholarship award applied to the student under “Current Awards” the campus can apply the SD Opportunity Scholarship to the student’s account on campus.

  • “0” - Student has been evaluated by ESC/BOR and deemed INELIGIBLE.

    • If a student is ineligible, a comment will be made on the reason why – this can be viewed by hovering over the “REVIEW” button in the Comments column.  Periodically, BOR staff will review the application and remove from the campus’s SDOS committee and add to the campus’s SDOS Ineligible committee where you will also be able to view the students and reason why they were ineligible.  



Other Notes

  • The Evaluation requires a Official High School transcript  - students with "High School Partial" are not evaluated.  

  • The candidate table shows the composite ACT score, by clicking a student's name and viewing the student's application, you can see their Super Score if there is one on file.  

  • Hover over the "Review" button on a student to see comments provided while evaluating - this will note if a new ACT score report has been requested or if there are other notes on the evaluation process. 

  • The committees are matched based on the university the student indicated they would be attending on their application - if you are missing a student that indicates they have completed the application, they may need to update their application - there is a help desk ticket option to request this change to their application. 




To export and share the information with others on your campus, you can click the [CANDIDATE ACTIONS] button and then [EXPORT DATA].  This will export any data in the Candidate Table.  You can change which data appears in the candidate table by clicking the [SET DISPLAY PREFERENCES] in the [CANDIDATE ACTIONS] drop down.  


When exporting data - a table like the one below will open in another window.   Click the [EXPORT IN EXCEL] button to open the spreadsheet in excel.  This table can be shared with other staff on campus in order to share award information.  



In the scholarship committee - other useful  information can be found in the [AWARD] and [REPORTING] tabs. 



The AWARDED page will show all student that have been awarded the scholarship.   You will also be able to see the date the award was made to the student by the BOR Office. 



In the REPORTING tab, it is possible to build a report of all students and awards made in the committee (excluding other scholarships). 

Select the criteria you want to show on your report. Scroll down further to see additional fields that can be added. 

On the FILTER BY tab chose AWARDED on the "SDOS - 01 - CAMPUS" fund.  On the ORDER BY tab, you can select any of the fields to sort your table.  



Once you have your fields set up, you can click [SEARCH FOR CANDIDATES].   The list will display at the bottom of the page, you can click the [EXPORT TO EXCEL]. You will notice that each student is listed twice - once for the fall award and once for the spring - these may be adjusted at a later date. 



Ineligible Students

To review ineligible students, return to the Committee Funds Screen shown below  - select SDOS - 05 - CAMPUS - Ineligible.   Once on the scholarship page, click the [CANDIDATES] tab to veiw students who have been deemed ineligble.    Any students who were initially determined to be ineligible by ESC staff, are scored a 0 with a comment noting which requirement was missed.   BOR staff then takes a second look at all ineligible students - once ineligibity has been confirmed, the student is notified and the student is moved to the Ineligible Committee.   This is noted in the students comments.  Below are some examples.  

Students that are sent a denial, and then reply with additional documentation are re-evaluated.   While waiting for the new evaluation to be completed, the students are left in the ineligible committe - once this has been complete, the student will be moved to the regular committee and awarded.   



Any questions - please reach out to 

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Article ID: 298
Tue 7/30/24 5:04 PM
Thu 8/22/24 12:43 PM