Grade Below a C


I received a grade below a C, does that disqualify me from the SD Opportunity Scholarship?


The requirement states that students must “receive a “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher on all required coursework”

This notes that a student must have a C or higher on the REQUIRED coursework – meaning, students may have other grades in non-required courses that are below a C (as long as it doesn’t adversely affect their GPA) as long as the students have the needed courses with a C or higher.  Additionally, the below examples would work as well because the student would have the 4 units with a C or higher.


Example: (student takes an extra math course)

  • Math A – 1 Unit – grade: B
  • Math B – 1 Unit – grade: C-
  • Math C – 1 Unit – grade: A
  • Math D – 1 Unit – grade C
  • Math E – 1 Unit – grade B+


Example: (student retakes a course)

  • Math A – 1 Unit – grade: B
  • Math B – 1 Unit – grade: C-
  • Math B – 1 Unit – grade: A
  • Math C – 1 Unit – grade C
  • Math D – 1 Unit – grade B+


Both these examples meet the math curriculum requirements due to the fact that the student DOES have 4 units above a C. 



Article ID: 310
Thu 8/22/24 9:55 AM