All transcripts are ordered online through a company named Parchment. You will go to the site and click the “Create Account” button in the upper right corner. Then using any email (school or personal) you create an account.
Once you have an account there will be an “Orders” button in the upper right corner of the page, click there.
This will bring you to a new screen with a blue “Create New Order” button, click this button.
Next, a screen will appear with a small plus sign in the middle, and below it, it will say “Start by adding a school or organization you attended”, click the plus sign.

Then a search bar will appear, type in “South Dakota Board of Regents”, and press the “Add” button next to it:

Then it will ask you for your attendance information:

Attendance dates should only be the year; and if you had a different name while attending, please select that button, and input that information as well.
Next you select the person or place you want it sent to. If you want to send it to yourself, click on “I’m sending to myself or another individual”:

The following options will appear:

In the next screen you will fill out the information for another individual, where you can put the other university’s name/third party and information (email/address) for your contact individual. At this point make sure you have selected the electronic or paper option:

Then it will ask for enrollment information, and please answer all the questions. Here you can also attach files to your transcript, if any have been requested by the recipient. If you have requested a paper copy the attachment will be printed and mailed with the transcript.

Once all questions are answered, you will click CONTINUE and it will walk you through the payment process.
If a box turns red, you likely just need to continue filling out information. If correctly filling out all of the boxes does not work, then contact IT through the “Support: Help Center” button at the bottom of the screen.